Background & Objective

The overall objective of this website is to provide a comprehensive but concise coverage of technologies, engineering and economics required for techno-economic analysis and evaluation of investments in power and energy business projects. The books are neither scientific papers nor literature research. Throughout the books the emphasis is on transferring practical know-how rather than pure theoretical knowledge, avoiding the detail of voluminous reference texts as needed by experts in specific fields. This is also demonstrated in numerous examples derived from experience of real-world projects. Due to the very close link between engineering and economics, the books are suitable for engineers as well as for economists.

Panos Konstantin was employed as consultant at Fichtner GmbH & Co. KG, Stuttgart, a renowned enterprise covering the entire field of energy business from facility studies up to commissioning and start-up of energy plants. Currently, he is retired but still active as Consultant. In writing the books he has drawn on his knowledge from over 35 years’ experience as an engineer consultant and economist for power and energy business projects and also as a trainer of clients\’ staff in related fields worldwide. His aim after his retirement is to make his knowledge and experience available in practice-oriented books. For new or special subjects he has always had the support of experts of the company in all relevant fields.

Target audience of the books are primarily international consultants, staff members of engineering companies, utility personnel, energy economists and lawyers, as well as employees of government agencies entrusted with regulating the energy and utility sector and, finally, students in related fields of engineering and economics.